by Magnum
Map: cs_estate
The map estate is based around one house. Multiple ways in and out which ensure heavy firefights.
There are 3 hostages found within the map. 1 on each floor of the house. 1 in the basement, 1 in the backroom, and one on the first floor.
The hostages can be easily found. The basement and ground floor hostages are spotted easily, but the hostage on the 1st floor is found in a small room, with a large, open doorway.
The map is basically a house with a large garden. There are many entrances to the house, and both teams should take that into consideration.
There is a massive 6 possible entrances to the house from the ground floor. 2 of them doors, one at the front, and one at the back, south-east part of the house.
There are also 4, windows which you can climb through to get into the house, all of which you need to crouch through, which can be to your disadvantage. (see Below)
The first floor is considerably more difficult to get into. There is only one possible way to get up to it without having to go through the house prior to that, and that is the ladder to the back of the house. The only other ways of getting in are up the stairs, which is a lot more difficult (see further on in guide to find out why).
The final, and probably one of the most difficult ways of getting into the house is through the sewer/tunnel, from the CT start point, which leads to the basement of the house. The tunnel is just a couple of seconds crawl into the basement, but it has its complications.
To start with, you should group all of the hostages together, preferably down in the basement, as there is only one place to go, which is up the stairs to get them out.
You should assign this task to whoever is closest to the hostages at the start of the round. They must act quickly, or otherwise a rushing group of CTs may get you before you have moved all of the hostages.
Starting from the Basement up, here is a guide to tactical defense of the house. The best bet for terrorists is to stay in the house at all times, and protect any bottlenecks which they may encounter.
There should be 2 people guarding the basement. Both should be located close to the rubble. One guarding the stairs, the other the tunnel. The guy covering the stairs may not be needed, unless you are pinned down within the houses' basement. The man guarding the tunnel must have good reactions with a rifle, as there is a very thin gap in which to shoot at the CTs in the tunnel. (see Below)
On the first floor, you have 6 entry points to cover, and all of that can be done from the back area of the house and from the top of of the stairs. (seen in Bottom two pics). For the ground floor, one player must position himself at the pool table and cover the back door AND the window, which both are in the field of vision. If there were more people in the squad, each entrance could be covered individually. Another 2 players should take positions in the back corners of the house, making sure that nobody gets in through the side windows. As people move so slowly through windows, and MP5 of a P90 can be used as you are fighting at a pretty close range.
From the second floor, any CTs entering the building can guard the front door. A rifle such as the Sig should be used. The final entrance is through the back window of the 1st floor. It can easily be defended, as CTs have no cover from it.
The team should be wary about flash bangs and smoke grenades. HE grenades probably wont be used because of the risk of injuring, or even killing a hostage. Cover should be found easily behind walls and doorways for cover from flash bangs.
The house has 2 decent sniping windows, and if you work quickly at the start of themap, you can take out some of the CT force with a sniper rifle. You only have aproblem if you do not pay attention to the side door, as a CT could easily get round,and take you out. Take a look at this diagram for more info:
Only good snipers should take shots from the windows on the first floor.
If the team is losing, don't try and snipe, stick to cheap guns like the AK-47, MP5 and the P90.
Find good cover, as flash bangs will be generally used throughout the level.
You should remember that as soon as you ever start off on this level, you should get out of sight against the wall, as the terrorist team will probably snipe at you.
On the first few rounds, you should just rush at the T's, as they wont be able to afford to powerful sniper rifles.
Later on in the level though, it will become very hard to get into the building. As a team, you should organize who goes into which entrance and stick to it. Working together is the key to success in this map.
The front door will be hard to enter, as it makes a lot of noise when you enter through it. Each of the 4 side windows should be entered. Entering the house will be the trickiest part of the match.
The best thing to do is drop in a flash bang just past the window. As soon as you hear the pop, dive through the window, and take out whoever may be guarding the area. This should all be done simultaneously with the rest of the team advancing into the house. The leader should use the radio messages a cue to attack.
Another way of entering is through the window at the back of the house. You should break the boards away when you are about to enter the house. The player who is entering through the window, should wait until they can hear a fire fight going on, so the sound of climbing the ladder, and breaking the boards are disguised. Once inside, this player could take out a lot of players from behind.
The other way inside of the house is through the basement. Whatever you do, do not run around a lot in there, as this will alert Ts to your presence. Walk to the passage way. (a group of 2 CTs with rifles and grenades should be the best bet). When the go command is given, a quick glance round the corner should be taken, just in case of danger, and then flash and smoke grenades if possible should be thrown in, to surprise any Ts.
Once hostages have been located, they should be escorted back to the CT start, watching out for any Ts on the way back.
The below picture shows the best ways to snipe at the enemy. Remember that the hedges are a perfect form of cover for snipers.
The two positions, left and right should be taken first, and then the position in the middle can be taken, to take out any Ts on the balcony or coming from the front door.
HE grenades shouldn't be used within the house, as hostages could be anywhere,
and killing hostages loses you money.
Always make sure it is safe to venture out into the front garden as snipers
can take easy picks at you from the 1st floor windows.
Never run around in the sewer area, and make sure that a team leader is appointed,
and that the team all know who it is.